Designer names and diamond rings

Are just some of the finer things

I thought it took to keep her saticfied

But a bank account and credit cards

A circle drive through an acre yard

Couldn't fill that lonesome feelin'

That she had inside

I bought her fancy clothes for all occasions

And that new car so she could go

Just any old where she pleased

I bought that golden band she wore

On the hand that closed the door

wanted - مطلوب
walked - مشى
where - أين
thought - فكر
rings - خواتم
diamond - الماس
things - أشياء
shoes - أحذية
closed - مغلق
through - عبر
designer - مصمم
credit - ائتمان
fancy - غير حقيقي
would - سيكون
clothes - ملابس
finer - أدق
account - الحساب
pleased - مسرور
cards - بطاقات
bought - اشترى
could - استطاع
until - حتى
circle - دائرة
drive - قيادة
early - مبكرا
expected - متوقع
names - أسماء
neglected - مهمل
golden - ذهبي
inside - في داخل
lonesome - وحيد
occasions - مناسبات

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها