Just because all my dresses are just cotton hand-me-downs

This family calls me the lower class

Cause we're only poor folks on the other side of town

They won't let him walk up my path

But my mama says don't worry when they say those things about ya

You remember, you're just as good as him

Just because they got that big house sittin' way upon a hill

Why you don't have to look up to them

We've got chicken every Sunday and the preacher comes around

And every Saturday morning, Daddy takes us all to town

And we go to the picture show, have picnics on the ground

worry - قلق
those - أولئك
takes - يأخذ
sunday - الأحد
social - اجتماعي
preacher - واعظ
other - آخر
morning - صباح
money - مال
lower - خفض
house - منزل
cause - سبب
remember - تذكر
chicken - دجاج
belong - تنتمي
afford - تحمل
picture - صورة
because - لان
worth - يستحق
calls - المكالمات
about - حول
class - صف دراسي
around - حول
comes - يأتي
cotton - قطن
think - يفكر
things - أشياء
honey - عسل
ground - أرض
folks - الناس
anything - اى شى
country - بلد
family - أسرة
saturday - يوم السبت
daddy - بابا
downs - الهبوط
every - individle
picnics - نزهات
dresses - فساتين
enough - كافية
forget - ننسى

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