It's right in front of you

You still describe as your latest undertaking

It seems to me it's been a lifetime in the making

And somehow it won't come right

Somehow it won't come good

Somehow it won't come easy

Not that you thought it would

You're feeling tired you're feeling dissipated

This is not what you anticipated

And somehow it won't come right

would - سيكون
thought - فكر
these - هؤلاء
there - هناك
tired - متعبه
itself - بحد ذاتها
feeling - شعور
somehow - بطريقة ما
times - مرات
enough - كافية
affection - تاثير
dissipated - تتبدد
undertaking - تعهد
could - استطاع
lifetime - أوقات الحياة
seeking - بحث
describe - وصف
seems - يبدو
anticipated - كان متوقعا
front - أمامي
consider - يعتبر
latest - آخر
making - صناعة
perfection - حد الكمال
somebody - شخص ما
still - ما يزال
right - حق
stand - يفهم
striving - سعي

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها