Here comes Mr. Misery

He's tearing out his hair again

He's crying over her again

He's standing in the super-market shouting at the customers

Here comes Mr. Misery

He'll never be any good with a mouth full of gold and blood

He's contemplating murder again

He must be in love

But you know she doesn't want you

But you can't seem to get it in your head

Oh and you can't sleep at night

And she haunts you when you go to bed

When you're tired of talking and you can't drink it down

So you hang around and drown instead

Home isn't where it used to be

yawning - تثاؤب
wiped - مسحت
tired - متعبه
super - ممتاز
standing - مكانة
sleep - ينام
world - العالمية
since - منذ
shoot - أطلق النار
talking - الحديث
seconds - ثواني
tearing - تمزق
screwed - ثمل
saying - قول
place - مكان
picture - صورة
older - اكبر سنا
never - أبدا
customers - الزبائن
crying - بكاء
shouting - صياح
morning - صباح
birthday - عيد الميلاد
night - ليل
comes - يأتي
maybe - يمكن
naughty - شقي
anywhere - في أى مكان
where - أين
blood - دم
contemplating - تفكر
began - بدأت
drink - يشرب
again - مرة أخرى
haunts - يطارد
ended - انتهى
around - حول
instead - في حين أن
looking - يبحث
drown - غرق
misery - بؤس
market - سوق
mouth - فم
murder - قتل

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