تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

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كلمات اغنية To Your Love - Fiona Apple

To Your Love - Fiona Apple

كلمات للدراسة

Here's another speech you wish I'd swallow

Another cue for you to fold your ears

Another train of thought too hard to follow

Chuggin' along to a song that belongs to the shifting of gears

Please forgive me for my distance

The pain is evident in my existence

Please forgive me for my distance

The shame is manifest in my resistance

To your love

To your love

To your love

I would've warned you but really what's the point

Caution could but rarely ever helps

Don't be down, my demeanor tends to disappoint

It's hard enough even trying to be civil to myself

Please forgive me for my distance