My friend Harvey married Tracey McCall,

By Christ she was a scary old doll.

A voice out of hell and a temper to boot,

Arms like a navvy and a face like dried fruit.

I bumped into Harvey back home last year,

Says I to him, 'Do you wanna go for a beer?'

'No, me sister's French husband is over,' says he,

'I've been sent to get snails to impress him for tea.'

'I was down in the snail shop, she told me to go,'

'I'm a little bit late because business was slow,'

'If I'm not home by six, I'll surely be done,'

'The Mrs will kill me, let's just go for the one.'

The one, the one, don't go for the one,

don't go for the one, for the one, for the one.

The one, the one, don't go for the one,

don't go for the one, for the one, for the one.

For the one went down fast, the second did too,

three or four followed, twas a fine how-do-you-do,

Harvey looked at his watch, shrieked out with fright,

wrath - غيظ
watch - راقب
voice - صوت
twenty - عشرون
tracey - تريسي
flying - طيران
three - ثلاثة
everywhere - في كل مكان
drunk - سكران
dried - مجفف
excuse - عذر
drinking - الشرب
floor - أرضية
hearing - سمع
business - اعمال
second - ثانيا
better - أفضل
husband - الزوج
married - زوجت
harvey - هارفي
night - ليل
screamed - صرخت
fright - رعب
lyrics - كلمات الاغنية
because - لان
followed - يتبع
snails - القواقع
fruit - فاكهة
christ - السيد المسيح
friend - صديق
bumped - صدم
clutching - يمسك
little - قليل
cursing - اللعن
there - هناك
scary - مخيف
hours - ساعات
confident - واثق
french - الفرنسية
looked - بدا
could - استطاع
looks - تبدو
navvy - حفار
nearly - تقريبا
impress - اعجاب
noise - الضوضاء
opened - افتتح
shrieked - صرخ
snail - حلزون
spread - انتشار
tripped - تعثر
kicked - ركل
surely - بالتاكيد
wanna - اريد
temper - لين، لطف، هدأ

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