When I was a young un', I knew a lad from Ballybunion

He hadn't got a single penny to his name, you might say

He had a raggedy coat, and like two rubber boats

He kept his wellington boots on from December to May


It was Kevin Kelly, with his chopped off wellies

In the middle of the summer time he was looking fine!

His pants had holes in the knees but he was proud as you please

With his ol' wellies he keep strolling along

As we got older and slyer and bolder

And the girls we had our eyes on they got older as well

With paint on their faces

(with paint on their faces)

And curves in nice places

(curves in nice places!)

We were dressed to impress them and we thought we were swell!

Well our duds were in fashion

(duds were in fashion!)

To kindle their passion

wellington - ويلنجتون
wellies - عمد الإثنان
thought - فكر
summer - الصيف
style - قلم المدقة
teased - مازحت
slyer -
their - هم
single - غير مرتبطة
shoes - أحذية
shocked - صدمت
floor - أرضية
boats - قوارب
girls - الفتيات
proud - فخور
fashion - موضه
chorus - جوقة
older - اكبر سنا
anything - اى شى
shirt - قميص
dressed - يرتدي
december - ديسمبر
dance - رقص
moves - التحركات
everybody - الجميع
faces - وجوه
kevin - كيفن
around - حول
boots - الأحذية
curves - منحنيات
please - رجاء
painted - دهن
looking - يبحث
flirt - يغازل
found - وجدت
along - على طول
busting - خرق
chopped - مقطع
laces - الأربطة
chance - فرصة
holes - ثقوب
happy - السعيدة
kelly - كيلي
impress - اعجاب
whispered - همس
kindle - أضرم
knees - الركبتين
strolling - متنقل
mocked - سخر
middle - وسط
might - ربما
young - شاب
pants - بنطال
never - أبدا
paint - رسم
there - هناك
places - أماكن
smile - ابتسامة
passion - شغف
penny - قرش
bolder - أكثر جرأة
raggedy - raggedy
swell - تضخم
rubber - مطاط

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