He'll never wear a business suit

Cowboy hats and bull hide boots just suit him fine

See that buckle shine

He won it at a rodeo

On a horse named Desperado

And he won the ride by he broke his back

Hit so hard he heard it crack

No more rodeo

But you can't keep a good man down

A line of western wear uptown heard of his fame

And they bought his name

Now he looks down from a suite

At the silver limo parked out on the street

And he's not just a face in a martini crowd

He drinks long neck Bud and gets a little loud

world - العالمية
woman - النساء
today - اليوم
there - هناك
suite - جناح
stayed - بقي
shine - يلمع
through - عبر
saddle - سرج
proud - فخور
street - شارع
pride - فخر
other - آخر
never - أبدا
named - اسمه
silver - فضة
crowd - يحشد
local - محلي
western - الغربي
business - اعمال
uptown - الجزء الأعلى من المدينة
hardest - أصعب
still - ما يزال
parked - متوقفة
cowboy - راعي البقر
horse - حصان
crack - الكراك
color - اللون
buckle - مشبك
almost - تقريبيا
right - حق
broke - حطم
boots - الأحذية
heard - سمعت
rodeo - مسابقات رعاة البقر
desperado - خارج عن القانون
looks - تبدو
different - مختلف
drinks - مشروبات
rowdy - مشاكس
hometown - مسقط رأس
bought - اشترى
little - قليل
loved - أحب
martini - مارتيني

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