Somebody brought the juicer

I thought I'd take a sip

Came off the rails so crazy

My senses took a dip

Before the bottle hit the floor

And I'd had time to think

I was blinded by desire

The elephant turned pink

The rest is simply shady

It's all been done before

But it doesn't make life simple

That's for sure

You may think about a lady

Cause yourself a minor war

And your life won't be so easy anymore

No sooner had I sown it

yourself - نفسك
while - في حين
water - ماء
turned - تحول
through - عبر
juicer - عصارة
bottle - زجاجة
front - أمامي
elephant - فيل
desire - رغبة
madness - جنون
silence - الصمت
drowning - غرق
witnessed - شهد
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
clung - التصق
cause - سبب
action - عمل
simply - ببساطة
about - حول
influence - تأثير
brought - جلبت
thought - فكر
crazy - مجنون
craved - مشتهى
floating - يطفو على السطح
began - بدأت
senses - حواس
blinded - معمى
motion - اقتراح
ocean - محيط
minor - تحت السن القانوني
pebble - حصاة
plunged - هوت
straw - قش
rails - القضبان
before - قبل
sooner - عاجلا
reach - تصل
there - هناك
rebounding - انتعاش
think - يفكر
sadie - سادي
shady - ظليلة
shallow - بارز
floor - أرضية
simple - بسيط
somebody - شخص ما
somehow - بطريقة ما
sometime - بعض الاحيان
space - الفراغ
started - بدأت

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