Gonna ride the world like a merry-go-round

Like a ferris wheel that's breaking down

Drinking angel's piss, gonna crash and burn

I just want some action so gimme my turn

Like a Chinese drama and conspiracy

It's the death of a nuclear family staring up at you

It's looking like another bad comedy

Just as long as it comes in high-fidelity for me too

Can you hear the sound coming over the hill?

Gotta move my feet, it's coming in for the kill

world - العالمية
three - ثلاثة
sound - صوت
wheel - عجلة
staring - يحدق
seven - سبعة
nuclear - نووي
murder - قتل
screaming - صراخ
merry - مرح
crash - يصطدم _ تصادم
family - أسرة
conspiracy - مؤامرة
comes - يأتي
chinese - صينى
action - عمل
breaking - كسر
gimme - اعطني
comedy - كوميديا
another - آخر
coming - آت
drama - دراما
bloody - دموي
detonate - exploser
drinking - الشرب
ferris - فيريس
gonna - سوف
fidelity - الاخلاص
death - الموت
gotta - فلدي
round - مستدير - كروي
eight - ثمانية
looking - يبحث

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