I just want a life that seems a little better than a dream

But I just can't seem to get on my feet

So I gotta let go, gotta let go, gotta let go

I'll hope someday that you will know

I sit back and think about the life I've had

So much to change, but I can't go back

What happened to that kid? He used to play in the street

I think about that kid, he looked just like me

Had a smile, had a home, never grow old

When we grow up, do we have to grow cold?

Spent his whole life looking for salvation

Never realized nobody could save him

So all these words, for what they're worth

I know it's hard, I know it hurts

And we laugh at the past 'cause it's how we learn

Welcome to the world, now let's watch it burn

I just want a life that seems a little better than a dream

worth - يستحق
words - كلمات
whole - كامل
where - أين
understand - تفهم
thousand - ألف
think - يفكر
still - ما يزال
watch - راقب
laugh - يضحك
smiling - باسم
knows - يعرف
hidden - مخفي
right - حق
hurts - يؤلم
street - شارع
happened - حدث
please - رجاء
heart - قلب
looking - يبحث
these - هؤلاء
gotta - فلدي
world - العالمية
dream - حلم
older - اكبر سنا
souls - النفوس
could - استطاع
dreams - أحلام
little - قليل
alone - وحده
after - بعد
about - حول
beside - بجانب
different - مختلف
change - يتغيرون
welcome - أهلا بك
future - مستقبل
better - أفضل
chasing - مطاردة
reach - تصل
sitting - جلسة
looked - بدا
spent - أنفق
direction - اتجاه
never - أبدا
would - سيكون
least - الأقل
nobody - لا أحد
perfection - حد الكمال
picture - صورة
happy - السعيدة
point - نقطة
there - هناك
someday - في يوم ما
realized - أدرك
while - في حين
their - هم
anyone - أي واحد
salvation - خلاص
seems - يبدو
smile - ابتسامة
learn - تعلم
sometimes - بعض الأحيان

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها