كلمات للدراسة
Oh, you will never ever stop me

'Cause I'm never gonna quit

Gonna get just what I want

And I am gonna get it quick

Lose yourself inside the city

Lose your mind inside a week

You can lose all of your money

You can find enough to sleep

In this world to survive

We can live while we're alive

Come inside

Twist the knife

Like it's something to do

I'm a voluntary victim

Watch your colonial tongue

I'll watch you tighten the noose

I'm burning in your mad IQ

I'm burning in your mad IQ

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها