When I met you in the restaurant

You could tell I was no debutante

You asked me what's my pleasure

A movie or a measure?

I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming

Dreaming is free

I don't want to live on charity

Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?

Reel to reel is living rarity

People stop and stare at me We just walk on by - we just keep on dreaming

while - في حين
walking - المشي
turnstile - باب دوار
traffic - حركة المرور
stare - التحديق
build - بناء
dreaming - الحلم
asked - طلبت
forget - ننسى
watch - راقب
something - شيئا ما
measure - قياس
restaurant - مطعم
debutante - فتاة تظهر للمرة الأولى في الإحتفلات الإجتماعية
filling - حشوة
never - أبدا
charity - الاعمال الخيرية
imagine - تخيل
people - اشخاص
could - استطاع
little - قليل
rarity - ندرة
fantasy - خيال
living - المعيشة
movie - فيلم
pleasure - بكل سرور
radiate - أشع
dream - حلم
river - نهر

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