Suffering beautifully - perfectly drunk

Hopelessly sorry - terribly lost

Everything has gone too far, this is serious

Your thoughts and speech are delirious

You’re not the Queen of the candy world

You’re a flower with a putrid core

Life is not an endless party

With drugs and men with Bugatti

The game you’re playing is theatrical

The game you’re playing is theatrical

It’s going to end dramatical

The game you’re playing is theatrical

You are a nightmare

Dressed like a daydream

No one you care about

Too busy vomiting glam

world - العالمية
wonderful - رائع
totally - تماما
theatrical - مسرحي
thoughts - أفكار
terribly - رهيب
suffering - معاناة
speech - خطاب
small - صغير
tragedy - مأساة
stand - يفهم
serious - جدي
ridiculous - سخيف
queen - ملكة
playing - تلعب
party - حفل
vomiting - قيء
character - حرف
going - ذاهب
sorry - معذرة
delirious - هذياني
daydream - احلام اليقظة
comedy - كوميديا
about - حول
candy - حلويات
believe - يصدق
hopelessly - ميؤوس
misled - ضلل
drugs - المخدرات
endless - التي لا نهاية لها
drunk - سكران
everything - كل شىء
perfectly - تماما
disgusting - مقزز
flower - زهرة
dressed - يرتدي
freak - استثنائي
little - قليل
naive - ساذج
putrid - آسن
beautifully - جميل
nightmare - كابوس

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