Every time I'm doing what I want to
Somebody comes and tells me it's wrong
Whenever I'm doing just as I please
Somebody cuts me down to my knees
Yeah, somebody cuts me down to my knees
In a time when everybody feels entitled
Why can't I feel entitled too?
Somebody took away my god given right
I guess God must have gave it to you
Yeah, I guess God must have slipped it to you
Stop what you're doing and get back in line
I hear this from people all the time
If we can't be happy then you can't be too
I'm tired of being told what to do
worse - أسوأ
world - العالمية
knees - الركبتين
mothers - الأمهات
wrong - خطأ
golden - ذهبي
somehow - بطريقة ما
feels - يشعر
everybody - الجميع
guess - خمن
entitled - مخول
deserve - استحق
without - بدون
bring - احضر
happy - السعيدة
somebody - شخص ما
cares - هموم
caesar - قيصر
cheated - خدع
children - الأطفال
given - معطى
person - شخص
doing - فعل
theirs - لهم
getting - الحصول على
today - اليوم
comes - يأتي
penance - كفارة
people - اشخاص
please - رجاء
spoiled - مدلل
right - حق
earth - أرض
rightfully - حق
being - يجرى
thing - شيء
every - individle
myself - نفسي
shore - دعم
single - غير مرتبطة
slipped - انزلق
whenever - كلما كان
nobody - لا أحد
sweat - عرق
there - هناك
tells - يروي
though - اعتقد
kings - الملوك
tired - متعبه
اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها
اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها