It's not enough that I love you

There's all these things I have to prove to you

You use the sun to erase the past

But you think it only rises for you

Well I'm afraid of being hurt that's true

But not afraid of any physical pain

Just as I am always scared of water

But not afraid of standing out in the rain

The last person in the room she hurt

Was the person that she loved the most

Nobody noticed I was down on the rug

I'm getting better at becoming a ghost

walking - المشي
together - سويا
there - هناك
stepping - يخطو
standing - مكانة
these - هؤلاء
rises - يرتفع
prove - إثبات
physical - جسدي - بدني
people - اشخاص
passion - شغف
nobody - لا أحد
making - صناعة
malignant - خبيث
chance - فرصة
abandoned - مهجور
water - ماء
person - شخص
becoming - تصبح
begin - ابدأ
enough - كافية
ignore - تجاهل
afraid - خائف
scared - خائف، خواف، مذعور
looking - يبحث
think - يفكر
things - أشياء
blessing - بركة
alone - وحده
always - دائما
their - هم
being - يجرى
noticed - لاحظت
before - قبل
fight - يقاتل
caretaker - ناظر
would - سيكون
better - أفضل
erase - محو
forward - إلى الأمام
start - بداية
getting - الحصول على
ghost - شبح
loved - أحب
heart - قلب

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها