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كلمات اغنية Sad Eyes - James Arthur

Sad Eyes - James Arthur

كلمات للدراسة

You wear the burden

World on your shoulders, baby

So let me hold the weight

I know you'rehurting

Deepas the coldestpain

But this is the order sayin

I'mgonna show you everything's alright

End of the tunnel, there is always light

Youre in the middle of the darkest night

I know you're hurting, baby

Whenever you look at me with those

Those sad eyes

I'm gonna dry your sad eyes

I'll make it right, so don't cry

I'm gonna dry those sad eyes

I'll make it right

Under the streetlights

You've turned and said to me that youre no good for me

That was the first lie youve ever said to me

Oh baby, honestly

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