I've been twisting and turning,

In a space that's too small.

I've been drawing the line and watching it fall,

You've been closing me in, closing the space in my heart.

Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart.

Well I can't explain why it's not enough, Cause I gave it all to you.

And if you leave me now, oh just leave me now.

Its the better thing to do,

Its time to surrender,

Its been to long pretending.

Theres no use in trying,

When the pieces dont fit anymore, Pieces dont fit here anymore.

watching - مشاهدة
twisting - لي
tried - حاول
theres - هناك
surrender - استسلام
still - ما يزال
drawing - رسم
leave - غادر
thing - شيء
damage - ضرر
cause - سبب
trying - محاولة
feeling - شعور
closing - إغلاق
thats - ل thats
bruises - الكدمات
beautiful - جميلة
breaking - كسر
enough - كافية
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
under - تحت
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
better - أفضل
explain - شرح
missunderstand - missunderstand
fading - بهوت
heart - قلب
until - حتى
small - صغير
pieces - قطع
pretending - التظاهر
turning - دوران
pulled - سحبت
space - الفراغ

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها