Our father high in heaven-smile down upon your son.

who's busy with his money games - his women and his gun

Oh Jesus save me!

And the unsung Western hero, killed an Indian or three,

and then he made his name in Hollywood

white - أبيض
western - الغربي
unsung - يتغنى
three - ثلاثة
heaven - الجنة
rather - بدلا
seekers - طالبي
better - أفضل
death - الموت
hardly - بالكاد
stone - حجر
indian - هندي
games - ألعاب
killed - قتل
father - الآب
bloody - دموي
women - نساء
glory - مجد
cross - تعبر
could - استطاع
saves - يوفر
himself - نفسه
smile - ابتسامة
jesus - يسوع
hollywood - هوليوود
money - مال
mountains - الجبال

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