As I did walk by Hampstead Fair

I came upon Mother Goose - So I turned her loose -

she was screaming.

And a foreign student said to me - was it really true there are elephants and lions too in Piccadilly Circus?

Walked down by the bathing pond to try and catch some sun.

Saw at least a hundred schoolgirls sobbing into handkerchiefs as one.

I don't believe they knew I was a schoolboy.

which - التي
walked - مشى
twenty - عشرون
turned - تحول
there - هناك
their - هم
bearded - اللحية
sorry - معذرة
goose - بجعة
drives - محركات
foreign - أجنبي
fancier - هاوى تربية الكلاب
elephants - الفيلة
labouring - الكادحة
hundred - مائة
holes - ثقوب
labourers - عمال
lorry - شاحنة
lions - أسود
snowman - الرجل الثلجي
circus - سيرك
chicken - دجاج
student - طالب علم
really - هل حقا
green - أخضر
bathing - الاستحمام
beard - لحية
sobbing - ينتحب
catch - قبض على
misbehaving - الفاسقة
putting - وضع
handkerchiefs - المناديل
schoolboy - تلميذ
laughed - ضحك
least - الأقل
loose - واسع
digging - حفر
mother - أم
black - أسود
hampstead - هامبستيد
piccadilly - بيكاديللي
weird - عجيب
popped - برزت
raving - هذيان
rounds - جولات
johnny - جوني
scarecrow - شخص رث الثياب
start - بداية
schoolgirls - بنات المدرسه
screaming - صراخ
silver - فضة
believe - يصدق
stole - نهب

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