Unsatisfied need makes you push forward

Greed, striving for its reward

Like a racer on the mark, you burn your rubber

Like a starving shark looking for its supper

You run, run, run, run, run

Until it makes no sense

Your feet are sore but you're still running

For accomplishment

In this eternal marathon for success

Another day, another dollar, undying motto of success

Slowly to the top

Is it lonely on the top?

Is it lonely on the top?

Ah, tell me, is there anyone for you?

(For you, for you)

Is it lonely on the top?

Ah, tell me, is there anyone for you?

(For you, for you)

The lane is overcrowded

yourself - نفسك
until - حتى
unsatisfied - غير مقنع
undying - لا يموت
there - هناك
still - ما يزال
falling - هبوط
climb - تسلق
sense - إحساس
eternal - أبدي
profit - ربح
defeated - هزم
striving - سعي
crying - بكاء
getting - الحصول على
reward - جائزة او مكافاة
another - آخر
afraid - خائف
greed - جشع
knees - الركبتين
coffin - نعش
track - مسار
accomplishment - إنجاز
racer - متسابق
climbing - التسلق
nobody - لا أحد
finish - إنهاء
begging - تسول
supper - عشاء
overcrowded - مكتظ
behind - خلف
while - في حين
success - نجاح
anyone - أي واحد
aside - جانبا
dollar - دولار
beside - بجانب
tears - دموع
looking - يبحث
leading - قيادة
lonely - وحيد
longer - طويل
makes - يصنع
slowly - ببطء
losers - الخاسرين
marathon - الماراثون
prize - جائزة
motto - شعار
ribbon - شريط
rubber - مطاط
running - جري
against - ضد
shark - قرش
forward - إلى الأمام
starving - جائع
started - بدأت
surprise - مفاجأة
rising - ارتفاع
stepped - صعدت

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها