Morning sunlight on her face

As he wakes her with a kiss

She's been everything he wanted

They were married as high school sweethearts

Never dreamed it'd be like this

Finding nothing for them comes easy

Trying hard just to make a living

Seems life won't give them a break

Well as long as they've got each other

Ooh, they'll find a way

There's a better life

Waiting out there somewhere

They gotta learn to fly

Need to spread their wings to soar

There's a better life

They'll find it together (keep holding on)

She shows him rainbows every time he sees her smile

They've been more than lovers

wings - أجنحة
where - أين
wanna - اريد
wakes - يستيقظ
lovers - عشاق
makes - يصنع
gotta - فلدي
finding - العثور على
other - آخر
dreamed - حلمت
battles - المعارك
arise - تنشأ
break - استراحة
nothing - لا شيئ
learn - تعلم
every - individle
everything - كل شىء
answered - أجاب
mountain - جبل
comes - يأتي
smile - ابتسامة
trying - محاولة
living - المعيشة
above - في الاعلى
better - أفضل
married - زوجت
sunlight - ضوء الشمس
crossroads - تقاطع طرق
waiting - انتظار
dreams - أحلام
beyond - وراء
wanted - مطلوب
climb - تسلق
morning - صباح
never - أبدا
place - مكان
prayers - صلاة
rainbows - قوس قزح
seems - يبدو
somewhere - مكان ما
streets - الشوارع
spread - انتشار
strong - قوي
holding - تحتجز
sweethearts - الأحبة
shows - عروض
school - مدرسة
there - هناك
dreaming - الحلم
their - هم
together - سويا

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها