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كلمات اغنية Spit - Katy Perry

Spit - Katy Perry

كلمات للدراسة

If You came by me

would I crown You my King

Or brush You off as though

I really didn't see

If You walked by my side

would our souls then be unified

I swore Your name

would never be denied

But I took up this hammer

And laughed at all Your slander

And pierced Your hands

With the nails of blasphemy

How could I do this? I don't know

Said something forced me to it, so

Spit in Your face and passed You by

(I'd forgotten those words

your name won't be denied)

But time and time again

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها