
Love's gonna get you killed

But pride’s gonna be the death of you and you and me

And you and you and you and me

And you and you and you and me

And you and you and you and me

And you and you and you and me and—

[Chorus: Kendrick Lamar & Anna Wise]

It wasn't all to share, but there

In another life, I surely was there

It wasn't all to share, but there

I care, I care

[Verse 1: Kendrick Lamar]

Hell-raising, wheel-chasing, new worldy possessions

Flesh-making, spirit-breaking, which one would you lessen?

The better part, the human heart

You love ’em or dissect 'em

Happiness or flashiness? How do you serve the question?

See, in the perfect world, I would be perfect, world

I don't trust people enough beyond they surface, world

I don't love people enough to put my faith in man

I put my faith in these lyrics hoping I make amend

I understand I ain't perfect

I probably won't come around

This time, I might put you down

Last time, I ain't give a fuck, I still feel the same now

My feelings might go numb, you're dealing with cold thumb

would - سيكون
world - العالمية
women - نساء
yours - خاصة بك
kendrick - كندريك
insensitive - غير حساس
nowadays - الوقت الحاضر
winter - شتاء
inferior - السفلي
happiness - سعادة
flesh - لحم
insecure - غير آمن
repetition - تكرار
hoping - يأمل
lamar - لامار
faith - إيمان
beyond - وراء
finger - اصبع اليد
belong - تنتمي
parties - حفلات
seems - يبدو
indigenous - السكان الأصليين
choose - أختر
filled - معبأ
disposition - تغير
pride - فخر
becomes - يصبح
killed - قتل
functions - المهام
might - ربما
verse - بيت شعر
around - حول
alive - على قيد الحياة
chorus - جوقة
better - أفضل
chasing - مطاردة
making - صناعة
death - الموت
amend - تعديل
enough - كافية
december - ديسمبر
another - آخر
blame - لوم
intro - مقدمة
bitches - الكلبات
feelings - مشاعر
listen - استمع
barriers - الحواجز
refrain - امتنع
broken - مكسور
could - استطاع
dealing - تعامل
lessen - خفض
almost - تقريبيا
lyrics - كلمات الاغنية
maybe - يمكن
mistakes - الأخطاء
flashiness - بهرجة
overcome - التغلب على
point - نقطة
gonna - سوف
possessions - ممتلكات
prison - السجن
promises - وعود
heart - قلب
there - هناك
raising - مقوي
religions - الأديان
surely - بالتاكيد
resentment - استياء
serve - تخدم
riches - غنى
dissect - شرح
thumb - إبهام اليد
humble - متواضع
schools - المدارس
human - بشري
walls - الجدران
remember - تذكر
wheel - عجلة
service - الخدمات
share - شارك
smiles - ابتسامات
spirit - روح
stares - يحدق
empathy - العطف
perfect - في احسن الاحوال
still - ما يزال
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
temperature - درجة الحرارة
willing - راغب
these - هؤلاء
probably - المحتمل
trust - ثقة
never - أبدا
people - اشخاص
understand - تفهم
breaking - كسر
question - سؤال
venom - سم

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