In the night, when a mist of sleep surrounds me

You come to me and hold me tight, winding your body all around me

And everywhere you touch I feel, that my love for you is much too real

Oh, it's the same damn thing, wanting you in my dreams

It's the same damn thing, wanting you in my dreams

Sleepwalkin' - I know every move you make, and every word I say

Keep it comin', comin' - comin' on stronger, this time I'm going all the way

Is this moment just a fantasy, or a vision of what will be

winding - لف
wanting - يريد
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
going - ذاهب
break - استراحة
second - ثانيا
tonight - هذه الليلة
thing - شيء
dreams - أحلام
beside - بجانب
fantasy - خيال
dream - حلم
everywhere - في كل مكان
vision - رؤية
instrumental - دور فعال
right - حق
warmth - دفء
surrounds - يحيط
around - حول
night - ليل
better - أفضل
moment - لحظة
every - individle
sleep - ينام
nights - ليالي
waiting - انتظار
stronger - أقوى
shadows - الظلال
tight - ضيق

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