
I've been on the cover of the Rolling Stone

I met the president when I was half stoned

I been so high I've gotten confused

I been beat down, broke and used


I drank with hank, talked blues with Billy

Rocked with Run sang with shotgun Willy

Went from small time philly to big time Bobby

From 3 day old chili to saki with wosabi

I'm home hey I'm home

You never met a motherfucker quite like me

Not like me, dida dada like me, hey like me

No more bein' poured drink specials at winners

Or being ignored by the think straight sinners

I used to smoke pinners while my moms made dinner

Now I smoke bombs and rock with Lynyrd skynyrd

No beginners here I'm a seasoned vet

Educated on jazz by my man Amed

Heard again my friend I been the world n back

But I'm Michigan boy can you feel that

And I'm home

You never met a motherfucker quite like me

woods - الغابة
winners - الفائزين
willy - ويلي
while - في حين
theres - هناك
talked - تحدث
stoned - رجم
spots - بقع
think - يفكر
specials - العروض الخاصة
someone - شخصا ما
skynyrd - skynyrd
sinners - الخطاة
smoke - دخان
rolling - لف
quite - الى حد كبير
president - رئيس
poured - صب
pabst - بابست
seasoned - المخضرمين
dinner - وجبة عشاء
depths - أعماق
could - استطاع
small - صغير
ignored - تجاهل
through - عبر
little - قليل
chili - الفلفل الحار
confused - مشوش
world - العالمية
stone - حجر
drink - يشرب
rocked - هزت
bombs - القنابل
heard - سمعت
straight - مباشرة
motherfucker - موظر
bobby - شرطي
wanted - مطلوب
going - ذاهب
gonna - سوف
cause - سبب
blues - البلوز
adapt - تكيف
black - أسود
gotten - حصلت
drank - شربوا
thats - ل thats
might - ربما
dixie - ديكسي
broke - حطم
proud - فخور
blonde - شقراء
being - يجرى
friend - صديق
believe - يصدق
shotgun - بندقية الصيد
billy - هراوة
already - سابقا
cover - غطاء، يغطي
michigan - ميشيغان
bitch - الكلبة
drops - قطرات
educated - متعلم
thought - فكر
shits - يتغوط
philly - فيلي
greed - جشع
guitar - غيتار
situations - مواقف
living - المعيشة
lynyrd - ينيرد
glory - مجد
mother - أم
beginners - مبتدئين
nation - الأمة
never - أبدا
hahaha - هاهاها
again - مرة أخرى
northern - شمالي

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