Riding up the alley in the rain

No lights to show the way

How could this ever be their home

Through the darkness You could only see

A giant shadow wich was to be

A house where evil ruled at night

And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive

Yeah the shadows at the gate, Alive

Everything inside was left untouched

Except for what the rats had got

where - أين
theme - المقدمة
untouched - يمسها
their - هم
sunrise - شروق الشمس
showed - أظهر
shadows - الظلال
shadow - ظل
seemed - بدت
riding - يركب
really - هل حقا
lights - أضواء
through - عبر
jonathan - جوناثان
every - individle
again - مرة أخرى
ruled - حكم
began - بدأت
ceased - توقف
about - حول
except - إلا
house - منزل
alive - على قيد الحياة
asleep - نائم
breathe - نفس
could - استطاع
candlelight - على ضوء الشموع
before - قبل
armed - مسلح
alley - زقاق
darkness - ظلام
inside - في داخل
dreaming - الحلم
everything - كل شىء
fireplace - المدفأة
night - ليل
giant - عملاق
fought - حارب

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