Monday morning

The sun has risen, just above the trees

The birds are singing, it's just like a dream

What a perfect morning it... could have been

Salem's in the kitchen, and that's a sin

Eggs for three and a little tea

Mixed with the graveyard dirt... from yesterday

Solo: Herb

Anybody eating Salem's A la carte today

Should be taken ill and... waste away

(Salem thinking to himself)

You used to be so beautiful, but now you're gonna die

You used to be so beautiful, but now you're gonna die

waste - المخلفات
today - اليوم
three - ثلاثة
taken - تؤخذ
stairs - درج
something - شيئا ما
snake - ثعبان
singing - الغناء
should - ينبغي
risen - ارتفع
problem - مشكلة
pregnant - حامل
eating - يتناول الطعام
walking - المشي
again - مرة أخرى
wrong - خطأ
dream - حلم
salem - سالم
carte - حسب الطلب
woman - النساء
fever - حمة
birds - الطيور
always - دائما
beautiful - جميلة
silver - فضة
sarah - ساره
anybody - اي شخص
perfect - في احسن الاحوال
floor - أرضية
second - ثانيا
madame - سيدتي
knocking - طرق
gonna - سوف
kitchen - مطبخ
himself - نفسه
thinks - يعتقد
could - استطاع
little - قليل
graveyard - مقبرة
mixed - مختلط
trees - الأشجار
above - في الاعلى
monday - الإثنين
yesterday - في الامس
thinking - تفكير
morning - صباح

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