Saturday midnight

At midnight that same night, the Lafayettes were sleeping

At midnight that same night, there is a shadow creeping

Salem is moving without a sound

Salem is moving... moving, moving to the burial ground

So hot and so quiet, only the leaves are shaking

By one of the graves, Doctor Le Croix is waiting

Salem is moving without a sound

Salem is moving... moving, moving to the burial ground

Doctor Le Croix, shaking the hand of Salem

My my my my my God, Salem tell me the secret

My my my my my God, this makes me feel uneasy

In shock... Le Croix is terrified, this could be the end

without - بدون
turns - يتحول
turning - دوران
themselves - أنفسهم
sound - صوت
spirits - معنويات
sleeping - نائم
bottle - زجاجة
copper - نحاس
waiting - انتظار
ground - أرض
hours - ساعات
great - عظيم
voodoo - شعوذة
graves - المقابر
burial - دفن
digging - حفر
quiet - هادئ
curse - لعنة
terrified - مذعور
salem - سالم
himself - نفسه
doctor - طبيب
buried - مدفون
uneasy - غير مستقر
befall - جمل
house - منزل
creeping - زحف
kneeling - راكع
front - أمامي
cemetery - مقبرة
could - استطاع
little - قليل
heading - عنوان
handful - حفنة
payment - دفع
later - في وقت لاحق
leave - غادر
leaves - اوراق اشجار
looking - يبحث
boutique - بوتيك
shaking - اهتزاز
madame - سيدتي
makes - يصنع
night - ليل
ready - جاهز
money - مال
secret - سر
between - ما بين
midnight - منتصف الليل
moving - متحرك
penny - قرش
snake - ثعبان
protect - يحمي
saturday - يوم السبت
there - هناك
scary - مخيف
shadow - ظل
shock - صدمة

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