You say you like candy

Well, stick with me, I got some sugar up my sleeve

You like money,

place your bets on me, these odds are going crazy

And don't be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,

he's just a sheep underneath those teeth

And don't be afraid of the Wicked Witch

She ain't so bad, she ain't no bitch

Woo ooo it's a wicked, wicked world

Yea-a-a-ah, Woo ooo ooo ooo, it's a wicked world

La-la-la-ladies, if you feel me holler

Fellas, show us all a dollar

Little Riding Hood is such a flirt

yeaaa - yeaaa
world - العالمية
witch - ساحرة
wicked - شرير
white - أبيض
underneath - تحته
tried - حاول
hansel - هانسيل
giddy - دائخ
always - دائما
fellas - أولاد
flirt - يغازل
golden - ذهبي
girls - الفتيات
sweet - حلو
there - هناك
every - individle
should - ينبغي
gretel - جريتل
apple - تفاحة
sleeve - كم
going - ذاهب
climb - تسلق
crazy - مجنون
chapter - الفصل
those - أولئك
their - هم
holler - صرخة
chasing - مطاردة
horse - حصان
cooking - طبخ
ladies - السيدات
afraid - خائف
never - أبدا
these - هؤلاء
little - قليل
dollar - دولار
money - مال
another - آخر
place - مكان
after - بعد
prince - أمير
riding - يركب
somewhere - مكان ما
teeth - أسنان
princess - أميرة
sheep - خروف
bitch - الكلبة
skirt - تنورة
candy - حلويات
spice - التوابل
stick - عصا
sugar - السكر
tastes - الأذواق

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