
You are amazing, you are amazing, you are amazing, you are

You are amazing, you are amazing, you are amazing, you are

You are incredible, you are incredible, you are incredible, you ain't shit

You are incredible, you are forgettable, you are forgettable, you are for...


All these comments got me lost in my mind

All these thoughts that I'm having are not mine

I always post that I'm having a good time

So my life looks perfect online

She say she never done some shit like this before

Suck my dick until I nut and then I go

I want a good girl but I always fuck with hoes

I love drugs, I pop pills, I do blow, blow, blow

I think this girl at the club wants to fuck me

And I really think her boyfriend wants to fuck me up

You're the reason that I'm up all night

You're the reason that I get no sleep

while - في حين
wealth - ثروة
verse - بيت شعر
wants - يريد
think - يفكر
these - هؤلاء
streets - الشوارع
somebody - شخص ما
sleep - ينام
thoughts - أفكار
shameless - وقح
teach - علم
respect - احترام
research - ابحاث
reason - السبب
youth - شباب
quote - اقتبس
perfect - في احسن الاحوال
death - الموت
myself - نفسي
controversy - جدال
comments - تعليقات
until - حتى
drugs - المخدرات
empty - فارغة
chorus - جوقة
count - عد
really - هل حقا
creep - زحف
artist - فنان
leave - غادر
about - حول
addiction - إدمان
bases - قواعد
pills - حبوب الدواء
media - وسائل الإعلام
before - قبل
whole - كامل
bitch - الكلبة
forgettable - قابل للنسيان
diction - الالقاء
bottle - زجاجة
always - دائما
boyfriend - صاحب
homophobic - الخوف من المثليين
health - الصحة
prove - إثبات
incredible - لا يصدق
mouth - فم
listen - استمع
living - المعيشة
immortalize - خلد
looks - تبدو
mental - عقلي
having - وجود
moment - لحظة
monetize - نقد
silence - الصمت
should - ينبغي
music - موسيقى
young - شاب
amazing - رائعة حقا
breakfast - وجبة افطار
never - أبدا
nigga - نيغا
percent - نسبه مئويه
click - انقر
night - ليل
ninety - تسعين
online - عبر الانترنت
people - اشخاص
overdose - جرعة مفرطة

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