See how the day dies with the sunset

It touches your hair and it paints it blood red

Please don't you leave me I begged and I prayed

You stole my heart and you left me anyway

Your eyes milky white they shine in the night

I laid my head gently down by your side

I, dare not to breath don't know I would make a sound

Your stench intoxicates me till my mind spins round and round

I found a house that's foretold of, forbidden in the woods

And it's shaking me down to my core

You come to life as we go there, you might not be so good

But I miss you so much I don't care anymore

would - سيكون
graveside - قبر
gouged - مقور
found - وجدت
intoxicates - بأريج
foretold - تنبأ
forbidden - ممنوع
begged - توسلت
heart - قلب
visions - رؤى
flowers - زهور
eternity - خلود
breath - نفس
stench - رائحة نتنة
sunset - غروب الشمس
believed - يعتقد
blood - دم
house - منزل
crown - تاج
looked - بدا
always - دائما
breathe - نفس
night - ليل
inventions - الاختراعات
carried - حمل
leave - غادر
wither - صعق
paints - الدهانات
might - ربما
sheltered - محمية
junkie - عاشق
please - رجاء
prayed - يصلي
round - مستدير - كروي
shaking - اهتزاز
white - أبيض
shine - يلمع
woods - الغابة
inside - في داخل
milky - حليبي
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
something - شيئا ما
sound - صوت
anyway - على أي حال
spins - يدور
gently - بلطف
stole - نهب
there - هناك
touches - اللمسات

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