I've never fit into any category, always deemed an outcast

Since I was in Sunday School and all the cool kids said I was weird

It's exactly the same, they say:

"Why do you dress that way? Why do you act that way?

Why aren't you just like me?

So is that what you really wanna say to me?

You playin' games with me

Tellin' me if I’m a cunt, still, you abandon me

Calling me words I'm not, painting a picture that's false

You must not know my heart, but I know it isn't your fault

You live in a world in your clutch, you don't get out very much

Living in a fake world, filled with facades and chaotic behavior

You pull the lever for fun, yell "fire", then you just run

Fire drill, what would happen if a nuke just hit

Would you say bye to your family? Would you post about it?

Fire drill, if it all went up in flames one day

Would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away?

It kills, I wish the best for you

And you, think I ignore you too, but

Really, I'm tryna live my own life

Be present more, and so should you, it's alright to

Cryin' inside

'Cause nothin' I say ever comes out right

We're on the same side

words - كلمات
world - العالمية
weird - عجيب
wanna - اريد
think - يفكر
still - ما يزال
speaking - تكلم
since - منذ
should - ينبغي
school - مدرسة
right - حق
public - عامة
present - حاضر
pores - المسام
people - اشخاص
never - أبدا
losing - فقدان
lever - رافعة
souffl - souffl
kills - يقتل
outcast - منبوذ
ignore - تجاهل
honest - صادق
picture - صورة
fucked - مارس الجنس
about - حول
category - الفئة
anger - غضب
calling - دعوة
bullying - التسلط
sorbet - شربات
filled - معبأ
behavior - سلوك
bitter - مرارة
eating - يتناول الطعام
hateful - بغيض
always - دائما
comes - يأتي
alright - حسنا
bored - ضجر
flames - النيران
facades - واجهات
sunday - الأحد
believe - يصدق
angry - غاضب
house - منزل
deemed - تعتبر
betray - أفشى سرا
screwing - الشد
abandon - تخلى
dress - فستان
burned - أحرق
inside - في داخل
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
tryna - ترينا
anything - اى شى
before - قبل
living - المعيشة
doing - فعل
clutch - التشبث
grace - نعمة او وقت سماح
drill - نحت
really - هل حقا
everyone - كل واحد
would - سيكون
seeping - تتسرب
exactly - بالضبط
false - خاطئة
getting - الحصول على
fault - خطأ
painting - لوحة
around - حول
fully - تماما
government - حكومة
personally - شخصيا
capable - قادر على
heart - قلب
games - ألعاب
chaotic - فوضوي
family - أسرة
gross - إجمالي
happen - يحدث

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها