There are some who are born distinguished

There are some who are raised in praise

But me I was always the last in line

A blot in my father's gaze

No cheekbones chiselled on a feline face

No skill or savvy with a sword

But this game we all play

is won in wily ways

And sly is this littlest lord

Cruel tricks of romance

Degraded by their spite

You snub your cub too many times

You just might feel his bite...

Beware beware of the words I twist

whore - عاهرة
twist - إلتواء
tricks - الخدع
littlest - اصغر
honour - شرف
within - في غضون
danger - خطر
cruel - قاسي
might - ربما
always - دائما
minds - العقول
fruits - ثمار
savvy - ذكاء
brazen - وقح
times - مرات
words - كلمات
bells - أجراس
against - ضد
juicy - غض
chiselled - المنقوش
black - أسود
conscience - ضمير
distinguished - متميز
deeper - أعمق
reach - تصل
there - هناك
clink - صلصلة
orchard - بستان
loose - واسع
every - individle
myself - نفسي
through - عبر
sinking - غرق
beware - احترس
praise - مدح
blooming - تزهر
promise - وعد
whispering - همس
puppets - الدمى
molding - صب
somewhere - مكان ما
raised - رفع
romance - رومانسي
ravens - الغربان
cheekbones - عظام
feline - سنور
skill - مهارة
small - صغير
spite - رغم
degraded - منحط
sword - سيف
their - هم

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها