Everyone! Thanks for coming to today's tanoshii live-stream. Today, I think I wanna rap. Well then, shall we begin?

Fuck it

Modern-day killers really must hate fun

More often, people takin' lives rockin' knives and guns

The real murder connoisseurs in the ruins of hell

Got used to luring the audience with moe that sells, 'cuz

To my surprise, snatching' lives toriaezu kinshi

Nice try, stoppin' the motherfuckin' Da Vinci

Of human erasure, can't stop the pace, sir

Make sure whеn "standing off" my rhymes slay first

Jealous haters out thеre, high-five, I see you

"No one's gonna buy this." Bitch, I believe you

Cute as all hell, in a literal sense

A bitter pretense

But the views are all tell, no show, dollars and cents

Don't mean nada to the queen of "sayonara"

Scythe and other super radical toys to tear your heart

Apart at the seams, still the killer of your dreams!

Slip your soul into my pocket, then I flee the scene-

It’s like that

If you take my advice, you'll be killed by what'cha don't know!

But the other saying that I like so much more

Is along the lines of "you reap what you fuckin' SEISO"

Gotta know, ain’t it so, could ya let go of your soul for me?

Sugoi DIE suki

I'm not asking for much: do me a favor and die?

Gomen, shitsureishimasu ga shinde kudasai

"Kill ‘em with the bass"

Korosu no koto ga TANOSHII

(Teehee, bitch)

Murder is so fucking kawaii

Kawaii ne

Shinigami sensei Calliope!

Kill 'em with the bass, 'til we get 'em to say:

Alright! "YAY! Suteki na ansatsu"

So it goes:

words - كلمات
wanna - اريد
views - الآراء
think - يفكر
thing - شيء
taking - مع الأخذ
still - ما يزال
standing - مكانة
industry - صناعة
vinci - فينشي
begin - ابدأ
humans - البشر
people - اشخاص
everyone - كل واحد
super - ممتاز
audience - جمهور
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
means - يعني
forward - إلى الأمام
really - هل حقا
human - بشري
haters - كارهي
asking - يسأل
erasure - محو
often - غالبا
enough - كافية
double - مزدوج
connoisseurs - خبراء
night - ليل
beats - يدق
first - الأول
straight - مباشرة
ahead - المكانية
dreams - أحلام
little - قليل
bitch - الكلبة
sells - تبيع
alright - حسنا
pretense - تظاهر
anyway - على أي حال
rhymes - القوافي
bitter - مرارة
whatever - ايا كان
dance - رقص
modern - حديث
gonna - سوف
slamming - صفق
exterminate - إبادة
queen - ملكة
better - أفضل
luring - استدراج
getting - الحصول على
inside - في داخل
laugh - يضحك
closer - أقرب
fucking - سخيف
dollars - دولار
actually - فعلا
stream - مجرى
advice - النصيحة
lives - الأرواح
calliope - الشعر الملحمي
script - النصي
shall - سوف
believe - يصدق
suckers - المصاصون
blast - انفجار
kinda - كيندا
lines - خطوط
seams - طبقات
favor - خدمة
coming - آت
business - اعمال
heart - قلب
master - رئيسي - سيد
cents - سنتا
class - صف دراسي
jealous - غيور
close - أغلق
along - على طول
keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح
supposed - مفترض
killed - قتل
opening - افتتاح
could - استطاع
killers - القتلة
knives - سكاكين
listen - استمع
killer - القاتل
literal - حرفي
murder - قتل
masochistic - ماسوشي
mistress - عشيقة
surprise - مفاجأة
nervous - متوتر
other - آخر
pocket - جيب
radical - أصولي
right - حق
ruins - أثار

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