I am a sinner, baby, I am a deceiver

I am so selfish and so proud

There is no question of my need to be delivered

I'll never get in if I'm afraid of comin' out

I am a seer, baby, I am a believer

My name is written in the clouds

You never dream but life flows by you like a river

You'll never jump in if you are still afraid to drown

written - مكتوب
whatever - ايا كان
underground - تحت الارض
there - هناك
takes - يأخذ
spoken - منطوق
drown - غرق
clouds - سحاب
shivers - تقشعر
delivered - تم التوصيل
afraid - خائف
quiver - ارتجاف
selfish - أناني
broken - مكسور
deceiver - خداع
control - مراقبة
river - نهر
dream - حلم
chorus - جوقة
keeps - تحافظ
never - أبدا
believer - مؤمن
proud - فخور
flows - يطفو
roots - جذور
lover - حبيب
still - ما يزال
question - سؤال
sinner - آثم - مذنب

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