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كلمات اغنية Let It Rain - Nana

Let It Rain - Nana

كلمات للدراسة


Let it rain, let it rain, make my pain go away,

In my brain, let it rain, let it rain,

All this pain in my brain, oh, it drives me insane

In God's name all this pain is a shame

Wake up in the morning I got sleep in my eyes

I feel bad,

Nobody gives a damn about a black brother,

There's no other like my mother,

We speak everyday not in sense of words but pray,

Check it, ten years ago died of brain cancer,

And went to heaven,

1997 rollin' with the family Booya music,

My peeps y'all representing,

Runnin' everyday from the pain let it go away

It's drivin' me insane not to my dying day

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