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كلمات اغنية Kill My Boyfriend - Natalia Kills

Kill My Boyfriend - Natalia Kills

كلمات للدراسة

I'm rolling the dice, got the wind in my hair

I'm gonna kill my boyfriend, yeah

Cause he's only nice, when there's somebody there

I'm gonna kill my boyfriend

It's been a minute love

Wish we'd never broke it off, oh oh oh

I hated that we separated, can't forget you no

But now I got an another, I got a ring,

I got a lover, I'm about to have a mother in law

And things are kinda perfect, but I know you're fucking worth it

There's only one thing I can do to break it off, come on

I'm rolling the dice, got the wind in my hair

I'm gonna kill my boyfriend, yeah

Cause he's only nice, when there's somebody there

I'm gonna kill my boyfriend

Kill, kill, kill, I'm gonna, Kill, kill, kill

So we can run away just like we said

Kill, kill, kill, I'm gonna, Kill, kill, kill