You, dontcha know i'd die for ya

I'd lay down my life for ya (i would, die for)

You, dontcha know i'd die for ya

I'd lay down my life for ya (i would, die for, you)

I remember feburary 27 1994

Tryin to make it to the hospital through 3 inches of snow

Somethings goin wrong i can tell but i dont know

I got this feelin in my gut this aint how i supposed 2 go

3 pounds 2 ounces and 2 months premature

To the incubator is she gon make it they aint sure

Automatically i placed the blame on my health

Hell im a father mayne, i placed the blame on myself

Was it somethin that i smoked, did i eat or did i drink it

Or was it somethin i was doin that i did or did i think it

Watchin her breathe through her holes in her nose

Whats this ckg machine, wats this shit on her toes

This 94 im 85 so im spooked as can be

Im prayin and im askin why he do this to me

See, i used to hold you in the palm of my hand

And jus to see you pull through, shit i knew you'd pull through

wanna - اريد
think - يفكر
whats - ما هى
supposed - مفترض
spooked - الفزع
somethings - سمثينغس
teach - علم
somethin - سمثين
smoked - مدخن
ounces - أوقية
mayne - ماين
feelin - فيلين
through - عبر
little - قليل
sacrifice - تضحية
guess - خمن
record - سجل
health - الصحة
disrespect - عدم احترام
watchin - watchin
barely - بالكاد
right - حق
askin - أسكين
tryin - حاولت
pounds - جنيه أو رطل للوزن
death - الموت
daddy - بابا
better - أفضل
hospital - مستشفى
wrong - خطأ
friends - اصحاب
blame - لوم
blood - دم
father - الآب
drink - يشرب
remember - تذكر
after - بعد
would - سيكون
chest - صدر
breathe - نفس
night - ليل
automatically - تلقائيا
close - أغلق
heart - قلب
phone - هاتف
raise - ربى
sayin - ساين
showbiz - شووبيز
holes - ثقوب
placed - وضعت
inches - بوصة
incubator - حاضنة
later - في وقت لاحق
machine - آلة
flesh - لحم
march - مارس
months - الشهور
forgive - غفر
needless - لا داعي
myself - نفسي
premature - سابق لأوانه

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