
Welcome to Nellyville, where all newborns get a half-a-mill'

Sons, get Sedan DeVille, soon as they can reach the wheel

And daughters, get diamonds the size of their age - help me out now

One year get one carat, two years get two carats

Three years get three carats, and so on into marriage

Nobody livin average, everybody jang-a-lang

Nobody livin savage, e'rybody got change

Even the paperboy deliver out the back of a Range

It's not a game, it's a beautiful thang

Imagine blocks and blocks of no cocaine, blocks with no gunplay

Ain't nobody shot, so ain't no news that day

Ain't nobody snitchin, they refuse to say

Every month - we take a vote on what the weather should be

And if we vote it rains - know how wet we want it to be

And if we vote it snow - know how deep we want it to get

But the sun gon' shine 99 percent, in Nellyville


There's no.. way.. I.. I could explaiiiiin..

the way I feel right now

There's no.. way.. I.. I could explaiiiiin..

the way I feel about livin in Nellyville


I got that good at e'ry gas station, pull on up

Give me a half a ounce of that shit, fill it up

We got straws for the bottles, outlaw the cups

weather - طقس
thang - ثانغ
straws - القش
yours - خاصة بك
there - هناك
smooth - ناعم
should - ينبغي
shine - يلمع
savage - متوحش
right - حق
reached - وصل
reach - تصل
years - سنوات
range - نطاق
projects - مشاريع
problems - مشاكل
three - ثلاثة
their - هم
recipe - وصفة
pregnancy - حمل
please - رجاء
physical - جسدي - بدني
trials - محاكمات
percent - نسبه مئويه
pavement - رصيف الشارع
paperboy - paperboy
deliver - ايصال
daughters - بنات
cocaine - كوكايين
polite - مهذب
average - معدل
cause - سبب
carats - قيراط
money - مال
amongst - وسط
rains - الأمطار
carat - قيراط
happen - يحدث
nobody - لا أحد
nelly - نيللي
change - يتغيرون
station - محطة
accordin - accordin
interlude - فترة فاصلة
create - خلق
bottles - زجاجات
about - حول
where - أين
beautiful - جميلة
teenage - سن المراهقة
outlaw - الخارج عن القانون
acres - فدان
could - استطاع
welcome - أهلا بك
destiny - مصير
attraction - جاذبية
automatic - أوتوماتيكي
bedrooms - غرف نوم
gotta - فلدي
refuse - رفض
ecstasy - نشوة
month - شهر
blocks - كتل
everybody - الجميع
think - يفكر
imagine - تخيل
front - أمامي
diamonds - الماس
family - أسرة
others - الآخرين
gamble - مغامرة
outro - الافتتاحية والختامية
garage - كراج
house - منزل
livin - يفين
wheel - عجلة
newborns - الأطفال حديثي الولادة
chorus - جوقة
marriage - زواج
every - individle
mayor - عمدة
sedan - سيارة
ounce - أوقية
dirty - قذر
mental - عقلي

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