
Watchin' the world go 'round

World go, yeah (World go 'round)


To unfamiliar feelings and unknown sounds

Unknown sounds, unknown sounds

Slippin' through my fingertips (Ayy), lingerin'

Shoulda, woulda, coulda, where'd I put the pen? (Woah)

Make a list of all my failed attempts

Runnin' out of space again

Highlight all the things I wish I never said (Stop)

If feeling makes you stronger, I'm the weakest

That would mean I would have to separate from my beliefs

It's not a secret, I'm a puzzle, got a lot of missin' pieces

Underneath this strong persona, I put on a kid that's screamin'

Aren't these waters so deceivin'? (So dеceivin')

They look differеnt, don't they?

Well, at least that's how they seem to me

'Cause we just drift and drift and drift

Until we see something that we define as peaceful

Grab the needle, shoot reminders in my veins

That people leave you when I'm driftin'

Watchin' the world go 'round

World go, yeah (World go 'round)

yourself - نفسك
woulda - woulda
would - سيكون
worth - يستحق
world - العالمية
words - كلمات
witness - الشاهد
weakest - أضعف
veins - الأوردة
until - حتى
unrealistic - غير واقعية
unknown - غير معروف
unfamiliar - غير مألوف
train - قطار
tracks - المسارات
where - أين
thought - فكر
ignorance - جهل
feelings - مشاعر
waters - مياه
living - المعيشة
gives - يعطي
fingertips - الأصابع
mirror - مرآة
faith - إيمان
every - individle
committed - ملتزم
heard - سمعت
failed - فشل
burned - أحرق
drifting - الانجراف
diversify - تنويع
distant - بعيد
feeling - شعور
support - الدعم
innocent - البريء
belligerence - العداء
these - هؤلاء
guess - خمن
broke - حطم
definitive - نهائي
highlight - تسليط الضوء
innovate - الابتكار
coulda - coulda
breath - نفس
deprived - محروم
beliefs - المعتقدات
holding - تحتجز
distance - مسافه: بعد
renovate - ترميم
define - حدد
might - ربما
things - أشياء
ignorant - جاهل
alive - على قيد الحياة
drift - المغزى
truth - حقيقة
drive - قيادة
attempts - محاولات
amplified - تضخيمها
shoulda - shoulda
again - مرة أخرى
climb - تسلق
mental - عقلي
collide - تصادم
impotent - واهن
wishes - التمنيات
gossip - نميمة
predict - تنبؤ
something - شيئا ما
debated - نقاش
afraid - خائف
intensified - مكثف
energy - طاقة
convinced - مقتنع
differ - اختلف
thinking - تفكير
immersed - مغمور
insignificant - تافه
intimidates - الترهيب
forward - إلى الأمام
lacked - تفتقر
through - عبر
leading - قيادة
underneath - تحته
makes - يصنع
different - مختلف
leave - غادر
needle - إبرة
outta - وتا
convicted - مدان
peaceful - امن
persona - شخصية
positive - إيجابي
puzzle - لغز
secret - سر
questioning - استجواب
remain - يبقى
reminders - تذكير
rather - بدلا

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