Oh these hands are tired

Oh this heart is tired

Oh this soul is tired

But I'll keep on

I'll keep on

Faith is something I am not accustomed to

Trusting other people 's something I don't really love to do

I've never been a fan of it, I act tougher

Really my shoulders they ain't built for this and I don't have nothing

It's like I'm standing in the rain and you offer me a raincoat

But I would rather stand there being wet than take the handout

What's wrong with me? You said, you've always got your hands out

And I can't continue on my own so take my hands now

I give you everything, God, not just a little bit

Take it from me, I am nothing but a hypocrite

I hate sin but I built a house and asked to live in it

Afraid to open up the door to you 'n let you into it

wrong - خطأ
until - حتى
trust - ثقة
tired - متعبه
thank - شكر
standing - مكانة
stand - يفهم
these - هؤلاء
shoulders - أكتاف
should - ينبغي
serve - تخدم
savior - منقذ
retire - تقاعد
remember - تذكر
rather - بدلا
raincoat - معطف واق من المطر
there - هناك
question - سؤال
protection - حماية
prison - السجن
would - سيكون
freedom - حرية
feeling - شعور
heart - قلب
enough - كافية
created - خلقت
really - هل حقا
means - يعني
built - مبني
continue - استمر
always - دائما
hypocrite - منافق
perfect - في احسن الاحوال
deserve - استحق
other - آخر
control - مراقبة
peace - سلام
bible - الكتاب المقدس
tougher - أكثر صرامة
please - رجاء
asked - طلبت
nightstand - منضدة
better - أفضل
accustomed - متعود
offer - عرض
trusting - واثق ب
ashamed - خجلان
thing - شيء
being - يجرى
nothing - لا شيئ
everything - كل شىء
bondage - عبودية
pride - فخر
little - قليل
collects - بجمع
people - اشخاص
given - معطى
person - شخص
tiring - متعب
sense - إحساس
handout - مذكرة
faith - إيمان
hands - أيادي
something - شيئا ما
inside - في داخل
honest - صادق
house - منزل
learned - تعلم
needs - الاحتياجات
direction - اتجاه
amazing - رائعة حقا
afraid - خائف
never - أبدا
opportunity - فرصة
outta - وتا

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها