I'm lookin' like I'm gonna get it, you prolly don't get it

I come in your house with a microphone

Lookin' like I'm 'bout to set up a show in your kitchen

I'm out of my mind, but I feel like I'm in it

If I never make it, don't make any difference

I'm still gonna kill it, you know what the deal is

Ain't never no chillin' when I'm in the buildin'

NF is a monster, I am a villain

My music is sick, and you don't know what ill is

You better get back, I don't write any filler

I write what I feel and I'm feelin' a million

So you better shh, be quiet, you hear it?

I'm 'bout to lose it

I'm on a whole different level of music

Don't treat me like I have no clue how to do this

You better rethink what you're thinkin' and move it

Now picture me writin' when I was a kid

Tryna make it in music, I think it is crazy

I spent all my money on studio time

Tryna get on my music so people could play it

I'ma keep it one hundred, my music was terrible

Learned to get better the more that I made it

Go back to my Moments album, most of you people

You prolly don't know what I'm sayin', hold up

What you're witnessin' now? Don't try to figure me out

I grab on that microphone, jawin' the crowd

They was laughin' at me, who they laughin' at now, huh?

I laugh at myself, some people they lookin' like, "Wow

The moment you told me that you was a rapper

I couldn't believe it," you believe it now?

Step in the booth and I murder it

You never heard of a rapper that kill it like I do

I sleep on the couch in the studio

Stay up till three in the morning, and write till I get more

write - اكتب
whole - كامل
where - أين
tryna - ترينا
track - مسار
through - عبر
three - ثلاثة
these - هؤلاء
which - التي
swear - أقسم
studio - ستوديو
heard - سمعت
grind - طحن
listen - استمع
filler - حشو
wreck - حطام سفينة
better - أفضل
picture - صورة
famous - مشهور
behind - خلف
microphone - ميكروفون
family - أسرة
enough - كافية
quiet - هادئ
adrenaline - الأدرينالين
gonna - سوف
sleep - ينام
difference - فرق
gotta - فلدي
dangerous - خطير
drink - يشرب
around - حول
learned - تعلم
crazy - مجنون
could - استطاع
competitive - منافس
villain - الوغد
sound - صوت
house - منزل
emotion - المشاعر
album - الألبوم
thank - شكر
rethink - إعادة التفكير
caution - الحذر
painted - دهن
brain - دماغ
years - سنوات
large - كبير
burned - أحرق
record - سجل
beautiful - جميلة
mayweather - مايويذر
capitol - العاصمة
morning - صباح
comfortable - مريح
punches - اللكمات
speakers - مكبرات الصوت
booth - كشك
blink - غمز
couch - أريكة
artist - فنان
jokes - نكات
changing - متغير
carry - يحمل
climb - تسلق
hundred - مائة
either - إما
industry - صناعة
kitchen - مطبخ
cocky - مغرور
crowd - يحشد
session - جلسة
laugh - يضحك
charge - الشحنة
least - الأقل
awful - سيى
different - مختلف
leave - غادر
terrible - رهيب
funeral - جنازة
level - مستوى
million - مليون
alarm - إنذار
maybe - يمكن
believe - يصدق
ready - جاهز
miracle - معجزة
moment - لحظة
prolly - pickett
moments - لحظات
money - مال
puppet - دمية
murder - قتل
music - موسيقى
figure - الشكل
myself - نفسي
think - يفكر
nameless - مجهول
neighborhood - حي
still - ما يزال

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