
I wanna know, I wanna know

I wanna know, I wanna know

Been sick with the pen since I was ten inches tall

I'm relentless, you guessed it, back with the vengeance

In the set list, every sentence so raw you can sense it

No question, tryna be the best that

Ever walked this Earth, if I'm not, then I'm next up

Dressed up like I'm 'bout to hit a bank or somethin'

Yeah, I am not the one you wanna mess with, no!

When I come into the room, put your heads down

I'm a little bit TØP, Stressed Out

What does that mean?

I'm a rap fiend with a bad lead

You could run if you want, but you'll never catch me

So cold with it, y'all don't get it

Let you put me in a cage just so I can open it

Handcuffed, hands up, this is dope to me

Oh, you thought you had me captured? So funny

Better run from me, I don't think you really understand what this does for me

I dress bummy, but I clean up nice, they ain't never seen this side of me

Long T-shirt, they eyein' me

Rules don't apply to me

You better give me my privacy

I got the fans I got because I'm takin' them behind the scenes

You played hide-and-seek, I played hide-from-me, agh!

Yeah, look at all that we accomplished

Quittin' for me's not an option

I wanna look at my kids in the face when I'm older and say I've been something admirable

Fast checks, fast women, that don't inspire me, no!

women - نساء
wants - يريد
would - سيكون
wanna - اريد
walked - مشى
wagon - عربة
vision - رؤية
whole - كامل
inches - بوصة
happy - السعيدة
guessed - خمنت
treat - يعالج
funny - مضحك
fiend - شيطان
family - أسرة
heaven - الجنة
because - لان
dress - فستان
different - مختلف
grammys - de fato
dream - حلم
movie - فيلم
played - لعب
crowd - يحشد
relentless - متصلب
grandpa - جد
every - individle
record - سجل
sentence - جملة او حكم على
shoulda - shoulda
created - خلقت
career - مهنة
apply - تطبيق
bought - اشترى
handcuffed - مكبل
around - حول
artists - الفنانين
about - حول
sound - صوت
accomplished - إنجاز
earth - أرض
attention - انتباه
chicks - الكتاكيت
heard - سمعت
content - يحتوى
privacy - الإجمالية
behind - خلف
hands - أيادي
everybody - الجميع
better - أفضل
diary - مذكرات
dressed - يرتدي
vengeance - انتقام
could - استطاع
since - منذ
admirable - بديع
bummy - bummy
mouth - فم
captured - القبض
little - قليل
catch - قبض على
heads - رؤساء
option - اختيار
clean - نظيف
inside - في داخل
something - شيئا ما
inspire - ألهم
might - ربما
product - المنتج
moment - لحظة
checks - الشيكات
phone - هاتف
rules - قواعد
money - مال
tryna - ترينا
shirt - قميص
morning - صباح
stressed - مضغوط
zoned - مقسم الي مناطق
older - اكبر سنا
scenes - مشاهد
person - شخص
personal - الشخصية
friends - اصحاب
sense - إحساس
always - دائما
prayed - يصلي
question - سؤال
someday - في يوم ما
should - ينبغي
silence - الصمت
someone - شخصا ما
store - متجر
stores - مخازن
maybe - يمكن
style - قلم المدقة
really - هل حقا
phones - الهواتف
theater - مسرح
think - يفكر

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