I'm dedicated, the definition of dedication

Wrote this whole record while I was levitating

Sittin' in my room with the pen and paper, I'm innovative

They've been afraid of me since I was a second grader

I'm the kid on the playground momma told you to never play with

There's levels of music - and I'm in the elevator

Going up to the top floor, look how we elevated

What, you don't know the brand by now? You better get educated

Take both of my arms, rip 'em out of sockets and seperate 'em

Forgive me, yeah, I know I get animated

Don't matter, I still write a better record than yours without a hesitation

Never been more motivated

Just look at all the minds I've opened and penetrated

See, I am the voice of all these kids that think things but never say 'em

That's why they come to my shows wearing the NF hoodies and hats low like we're carrying weapons

Put the controllers away, it's game over

I promise I'm way colder

The fans keep saying that they're hungry for new music, well that's pretty convenient because I just made a plate for 'em

And now I'm hearing none of y'all are saying

I just sit at the keys feeling the music

Got me thinking I'm Beethoven

The game needs a makeover

If you've been waiting, the wait's over

You ain't notice, y'all about to witness a takeover, I'm home!

Yeah, they waiting on me to match that

The emotion I had in the last one

yours - خاصة بك
wrote - كتب
writing - جاري الكتابة
witness - الشاهد
whole - كامل
while - في حين
weapons - أسلحة
waiting - انتظار
voice - صوت
through - عبر
three - ثلاثة
thinking - تفكير
things - أشياء
these - هؤلاء
there - هناك
takeover - يتولى
supposed - مفترض
stupid - غبي
surrounding - المحيط
started - بدأت
spend - أنفق
still - ما يزال
somehow - بطريقة ما
sockets - مآخذ
since - منذ
shows - عروض
seperate - منفصلة
saying - قول
savage - متوحش
ruins - أثار
reason - السبب
rapping - موسيقى الراب
proud - فخور
promise - وعد
pretty - جميلة
shaking - اهتزاز
playing - تلعب
playground - ملعب
thousand - ألف
plate - طبق
picture - صورة
penetrated - توغلت
paper - ورقة
wearing - يلبس
because - لان
elevated - مرتفع
feeling - شعور
doubted - يشك
shatter - تحطيم
emotion - المشاعر
ignoring - تجاهل
realized - أدرك
elevator - مصعد
trying - محاولة
biggest - أكبر
dedicated - مخصصة
impress - اعجاب
motivated - متحفز، مندفع
repeating - تكرار
passion - شغف
enough - كافية
darker - أغمق
think - يفكر
critics - النقاد
could - استطاع
looks - تبدو
conversation - محادثة
beethoven - بيتهوفن
brand - علامة تجارية
definition - فريف
alone - وحده
always - دائما
really - هل حقا
disappointing - مخيب للامال
around - حول
couple - زوجان
gonna - سوف
speakers - مكبرات الصوت
afraid - خائف
hoodies - هوديس
about - حول
baggage - أمتعة
halloween - عيد الرعب
carrying - حمل
maybe - يمكن
admit - يعترف
controllers - التحكم
enjoy - استمتع
colleges - الكليات
convenient - مناسب
better - أفضل
nothing - لا شيئ
beginning - البداية
animated - مفعم بالحيوية
dedication - تفان
crying - بكاء
records - تسجيل
record - سجل
every - individle
cared - الرعاية

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