Clicks, clicks, clicks

They'll do anything to get a few

Tick, tick, tick

That's the sound before my head explodes

Quit, quit, quit

Look at you up on your pedestals

Quick, quick, quick

Here the critics come, it's time to go

I read your article, it kind of hurt me

I don't know who hired you

Or what your friends say in your circle

But the fact that you released it tells me two things are for certain

They get paid for trashin' people, I get paid 'cause I stay workin'

Drop The Search and they emerge up

Out of nowhere to the surface

Just to peek behind the curtain

Throwin' salt at all my burdens

I'm aware I shouldn't give this my attention

Life's a journey, I should just stay on my path and learn to laugh

You think they heard me?

Ears are burning, put 'em out

Quiet, quiet, look around

Why don't they find someone way more interesting to write about?

Us we're kinda boring, aren't we?

All we do is whine and pout

It's confusing, so amusing

How I argue with myself (Hello)

I spit it with ease, so leave it to me

You doubt it but you better believe

I'm on a rampage hit 'em with the record release

Dependin' the week, I'm prolly gonna have to achieve another goal, let me go

When I'm over the beat I go into beast mode, like I'm ready to feast

I'm fed up with these thieves, tryna get me to bleed

They wanna see me take an L? Yup, see what I mean?

How many records I gotta give you to get with the program?

Taken for granted, I'm 'bout to give you the whole plan

Open your mind up and take a look at the blueprint

Debate if you gotta, but gotta hold it with both hands to pick up the bars

write - اكتب
whine - أنين
wanna - اريد
tryna - ترينا
times - مرات
twice - مرتين
tight - ضيق
through - عبر
thought - فكر
though - اعتقد
these - هؤلاء
swing - تأرجح
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
spread - انتشار
someone - شخصا ما
should - ينبغي
scene - مشهد
shoot - أطلق النار
search - بحث
right - حق
rigged - مزور
released - صدر
release - إطلاق سراح
records - تسجيل
record - سجل
raise - ربى
quite - الى حد كبير
quiet - هادئ
quick - بسرعة
proof - دليل
taken - تؤخذ
prolly - pickett
program - برنامج
ready - جاهز
believe - يصدق
curtain - ستارة
think - يفكر
shades - ظلال
critics - النقاد
really - هل حقا
discrete - منفصله
crashes - حوادث
decide - قرر
demise - زوال
mental - عقلي
claim - يطالب
confusing - مربك
cause - سبب
sound - صوت
hired - التعاقد
burning - احتراق
friends - اصحاب
breeze - نسيم
blueprint - مخطط
bleed - ينزف
often - غالبا
boring - ملل
close - أغلق
apologize - يعتذر
explodes - ينفجر
anything - اى شى
argue - تجادل
rampage - ثورة
heart - قلب
advise - نصيحة
wreck - حطام سفينة
better - أفضل
article - مقالة - سلعة
behind - خلف
circle - دائرة
doubt - شك
around - حول
corner - ركن
another - آخر
debate - النقاش
accept - قبول
gonna - سوف
moves - التحركات
achieve - التوصل
advice - النصيحة
lives - الأرواح
assume - افترض
undivided - غير مقسمة
listen - استمع
whole - كامل
empathize - التعاطف
jeopardize - يعرض للخطر
about - حول
burdens - الأعباء
aware - وصف
kinda - كيندا
improvise - ارتجل
rhyme - قافية
difficult - صعب
smart - ذكي
amusing - مسل
divides - الانقسامات
forced - قسري
heard - سمعت
journey - رحلة

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