
Ooh, ooh

Oh-oh, ooh



Feels like I work my hardest when I'm at my lowest

Even unhappy people can have happy moments

Even small circles fall when the people you chose are

Lookin' at you like you owe 'em that money you're grossin'

Brief seconds that impacted my life, on a huge scale

Weigh 'em like what's wrong and what's right

Predictions I predicted often arrive

Like they own the place, and suffocate thе areas that I thrive

Had some disagreemеnts

Business model got some cracks, that's your biggest weakness

Way before I got involved, you knew that ship was sinkin'

So tellin' me to dive in water you won't dip your feet in

Tends to make me question you for lots of reasons

Keep twistin' my words, you got some courage, I applaud you

Tables, they turned, but was it worth what it cost you?

Watch and observe, lot of concerns in my heart, still

Angry and hurt, got what you earned bein' prideful

wrong - خطأ
weigh - وزن
weakness - ضعف
watch - راقب
turned - تحول
think - يفكر
tables - الجداول
suffocate - خنق
story - قصة
soulless - لا إنساني
someone - شخصا ما
somebody - شخص ما
small - صغير
showed - أظهر
scenes - مشاهد
scale - مقياس
right - حق
still - ما يزال
reasons - أسباب
prideful - فخور
predictions - توقعات
predicted - وتوقع
people - اشخاص
painful - مؤلم
cracks - الشقوق
seconds - ثواني
angel - ملاك
blame - لوم
sorry - معذرة
courage - شجاعة
concerns - اهتمامات
conceited - مغرور
water - ماء
circles - الدوائر
myself - نفسي
chose - اختار
colors - الألوان
apology - اعتذار
place - مكان
dough - عجينة
shameful - مخجل
angry - غاضب
coulda - coulda
enough - كافية
moments - لحظات
areas - المناطق
means - يعني
question - سؤال
observe - رصد
business - اعمال
heartless - عديم الشفقة
earned - حصل
worth - يستحق
keeps - تحافظ
before - قبل
impacted - أثرت
money - مال
believed - يعتقد
tends - يميل
biggest - أكبر
unhappy - تعيس
fault - خطأ
lowest - أدنى
thrive - النماء
faithful - مؤمن
feels - يشعر
forgive - غفر
words - كلمات
involved - متورط
applaud - نشيد
guess - خمن
happy - السعيدة
hardest - أصعب
behind - خلف
model - نموذج
brief - نبذة
arrive - يصل
heart - قلب
received - تم الاستلام
least - الأقل
never - أبدا
often - غالبا

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