Love is here to stay

I pray, that love is really here to stay

for me and you

I don't wanna loose it, don't wanna wait

untill, it's all too late

I'm so in love, it's true

and in my dreams, I walk around with

someone on my side, who loves me

oh soo much

its you my love, I want you

and I don't wanna loose your love

I need your special touch

I'm on a high love hi, I never say goodbye

oh no not I, I'm on a high lovehigh

wanna - اريد
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
think - يفكر
success - نجاح
stormy - عاصف
times - مرات
special - خاص
someone - شخصا ما
rhymes - القوافي
really - هل حقا
smell - رائحة
pushes - يدفع
power - قوة
untill - دااج
express - التعبير
dreams - أحلام
stare - التحديق
energy - طاقة
dream - حلم
people - اشخاص
bodyguard - حارس
level - مستوى
cover - غطاء، يغطي
eachother - بعضهم البعض
swell - تضخم
cause - سبب
riggs -
chance - فرصة
never - أبدا
favour - محاباة
failure - بالفشل
together - سويا
goodbye - وداعا
happy - السعيدة
hopps - hopps
loose - واسع
around - حول
lover - حبيب
loves - يحب
passing - عابر

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