On a wind that's sailing through the morning

I have cut the harness off of my heart

On a tide that's rising with the dawning

I find I belong inside the dark

And when the waves roll in to cover me in shame

I avoid another sign of the efforts made in vain

I am just another ripple in the current of an age

Another crossed out name on another wrinkled page

Carry me home

Carry me home

Carry me home

Carry me home

Carry me home

Carry me home

wounds - الجروح
wound - جرح
waves - أمواج
wants - يريد
wanted - مطلوب
visit - يزور
through - عبر
tells - يروي
sailing - إبحار
rising - ارتفاع
reappear - ظهر من جديد
moonlight - ضوء القمر
inside - في داخل
heart - قلب
comes - يأتي
broken - مكسور
dream - حلم
carry - يحمل
could - استطاع
ripple - تموج
above - في الاعلى
apparition - شبح
wrinkled - متجعد
morning - صباح
familiar - مألوف
another - آخر
having - وجود
haunted - ازم
belong - تنتمي
avoid - تجنب
crossed - عبرت
would - سيكون
dawning - فجر
shame - عار
bleak - كئيب
cover - غطاء، يغطي
harness - ظفيرة
current - تيار
disappear - اختفى
efforts - جهود
fortnight - خمسة عشر يوما
should - ينبغي
every - individle
friendship - صداقة

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