At night in the forrest of Sabrod

A tiger in search of his prey

I wonder will we be alive by the dawning of day?

Predator of godly creation

In hunger he stops at no child

Obsessed by the fever to follow the call of the wild

Take this life

And you're safe

Say goodbye for today

It's the tiger of Sabrod

And he's fighting from the heart

trust - ثقة
tomorrow - غدا
today - اليوم
tiger - نمر
survivors - الناجين
still - ما يزال
search - بحث
revenge - انتقام
blood - دم
heart - قلب
stops - توقف
raise - ربى
dawning - فجر
creation - خلق
glory - مجد
return - إرجاع
alive - على قيد الحياة
closed - مغلق
fever - حمة
hunger - جوع
bring - احضر
child - طفل
wonder - يتساءل
fighting - قتال
forrest - فورست
triumph - انتصار
godly - إلهي
follow - إتبع
obsessed - مهووس
goodbye - وداعا
lifeless - ميت
night - ليل
predator - المفترس

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